6 Week Cardio Program

This program is designed for people who are looking to add to their current fitness level however it can be modified to fit the needs of anyone. Repeat Week 1 until you are able to run for 25 minutes without stopping. Once you can run for 25 minutes without stopping you are ready to move forward with the program. It is ok to repeat weeks if you do not feel you are ready to move forward. Go at your own pace and listen to your body.

For the timed runs try to keep a pace that is brisk and does not allow you to carry on a conversation while running but at the same time don’t run so hard that you aren’t able to run for the prescribed amount of time. For the mile runs, listen to your body. If you feel good kick it up a notch and see what you can do. If you’re not feeling like pushing it, it’s ok to go at a slower pace. This workout program is very demanding and requires that you warmup properly before each workout and stretch properly after each workout. I recommend warming up for 15-20 minutes to get a good sweat rolling before starting to run. I also recommend stretching for 15-20 minutes after the runs. Stretch what you feel needs stretched at your own pace.

Starting with week 2 you will see something called “3 Minute Blast” detailed instructions on how to perform this properly are as follows:

For the 3 Minute Blast, mark a starting point and a point 30 yards away. The entire workout will be done between these two points. One stretch of 30 yards from here on out will be referred to as a “length.” To start you will sprint one length from the starting point to the ending point. From here always touch the point turn and return to the other point. Terms:
Sprint = Maximum effort, 100%, all out
Jog = Reduced effort, 50-60%
Length = 30 Yards

3 Minute Blast

Phase 1

Sprint 1 Length, jog 1 length. Repeat continuously for 3 minutes

Phase 2

Complete Phase 1, Rest for 30 Seconds. Sprint 2 Lengths, Jog 1 Length. Repeat continuously for 3 minutes.

Phase 3

Complete Phase 2, Rest for 30 Seconds. Sprint 3 Lengths, Jog 1 Length. Repeat Continuously for 3 minutes

Phase 4

Complete Phase 3, Rest for 30 Seconds. Sprint 4 Lengths, Jog 1 Length. Repeat Continuously for 3 minutes

Phase 5

Complete Phase 4, Rest for 30 Seconds, Sprint 5 Lengths, Jog 1 Length. Repeat continuously for 3 minutes.

Week 1

Week 2

Day 1

Run 20 Minutes

Day 1

3 Minute Blast Phase 1

Day 2

Run 1 Mile

Day 2

Run 20 Minutes

Day 3

Run 25 Minutes

Day 3

3 Minute Blast  Phase 1

Day 4

Run 1 Mile

Day 4

Run 25 Minutes

Day 5

Run 20 Minutes

Day 5

3 Minute Blast  Phase 2

Day 6

Run 1 Mile

Day 6

Run 1 Mile

Day 7


Day 7


Week 3

Week 4

Day 1

3 Minute Blast  Phase 2

Day 1

3 Minute Blast  Phase 3

Day 2

Run 25 Minutes

Day 2

Run 30 Minutes

Day 3

3 Minute Blast  Phase 2

Day 3

3 Minute Blast  Phase 3

Day 4

Run 25 Minutes

Day 4

Run 25 Minutes

Day 5

3 Minute Blast  Phase 3

Day 5

3 Minute Blast  Phase 4

Day 6

Run 1 Mile

Day 6

Run 1 Mile

Day 7


Day 7


Week 5

Week 6

Day 1

3 Minute Blast  Phase 4

Day 1

3 Minute Blast  Phase 5

Day 2

Run 30 Minutes

Day 2

3 Minute Blast  Phase 5

Day 3

3 Minute Blast  Phase 4

Day 3


Day 4

Run 25 Minutes

Day 4

3 Minute Blast  Phase 5

Day 5

3 Minute Blast  Phase 5

Day 5

3 Minute Blast  Phase 5

Day 6

Run 1 Mile

Day 6

Run 1 Mile

Day 7


Day 7
